May makes many things new
May brings a lot of news at Clarity AG. For current features and further optimizations, see the following articles on these topics:
- New features for the Clarity Communication Center
- Did you know? – Clarity Report Constructor
- Snom – Expansion of the portfolio according to customer needs
- Book giveaway: “The Change Code: How people get excited about change and win companies with it”.
New features for
Clarity Communication Center

Executor plugin in Clarity Client for Web
The Executor plugin has been included as a plugin in the Clarity Communication Client for years and is used by many Clarity customers. This popular plugin will also find its way into the Clarity Client for Web. For example, under “Settings” you can create your own buttons to access web pages. In addition, each user can define actions, which are executed after certain action triggers.
Clarity Client for Web as Progressive Web Application on Desktop
The Clarity Client for Web is known as the Clarity CTI client for the web browser. Now this can also be used as a so-called “Progressive Web Application” on the desktop. The Progressive Web Application combines the features of a desktop application with those of a browser application. Thus, the web client can be run directly with a desktop icon and displayed as a separate program in the taskbar. One advantage of this is that it is independent of the web browser, which makes it easier to distinguish the Clarity Client for Web from it. Using the Progressive Web Application also ensures that the user does not close the telephony application at the same time when closing the browser.
Did you know?
Clarity Report Constructor
The Clarity Report Constructor is the comprehensive web statistics tool for evaluating telephone activities in the Clarity Communication Center. Clarity customers are mostly enthusiastic about the scope and flexibility that this web tool has to offer. Now learn more about features and facts you may not have known before:
Freely define statistics formulas
The statistics in the Clarity Report Constructor can be displayed in tabular and graphical form. In the statistics table you can choose from more than 90 predefined key figure types. However, if these are not enough for you, you can also easily calculate your own columns using numerical functions.
Send statistics by e-mail and export to Excel
The statistics in the Clarity Report Constructor are not only available as a web tool in the browser, but can also be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file at the click of a button. This allows you to easily evaluate statistics and model graphics in a familiar Excel environment. To download the statistics as an Excel file, you can press the “Excel” button in the “Report” window.
If you have any further questions about Clarity AG and our partners, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at vertriebsinnendienst@clarity-ag.net or by phone via +49 6172 1388-560.
Snom -
according to customer needs
Portfolio expansion

Book giveaway: "The Change Code:
and win companies with it"
How people get excited about change

The rate has remained unchanged for years: Three quarters of all change programs in companies go wrong. They do not deliver what they are supposed to. With the consequence that money, motivation and competitiveness dwindle. Given the immense challenges and upheavals facing companies and managers, it’s high time that the bungling of change stopped.
With “The Change Code”, Lederer delivers a practical and easy-to-implement compendium of people-oriented change and transformation. And changes that consequently bring the expected entrepreneurial benefits without detours make companies strong.
In cooperation with Wiley Verlag, Clarity is giving away two copies of the book “Der Change Code” by Dr. Dieter Lederer.